What are you afraid of? And I don't mean things like spiders, wiggly things, and clowns.
What are you afraid of doing, or afraid of trying?
This past week I did some things that I will admit were a little intimidating for me. Opening up to someone about some of my beliefs in a controversial topic, learning a new task at the barn with my
bosses' (no pressure :) tractor, and agreeing to join my church choir. Now to some people this may be no big deal but to me it is. Often my fears stem from worrying that I won't be able to accomplish a task well enough, or at all, or that once someone sees me mess up that they'll regret thinking I could accomplish the task. I am afraid of being misunderstood. I am afraid of opening my heart for everyone to see the jumbled emotional roller coaster mess it can be.
And ever time I face these fears, I have a choice to make. Will I turn tail and run, make excuses of why I can't do it and keep putting it off, or will I face it head on and go for it, whether that means charging full steam ahead or just simply trudging through. I really like picture analogies so in this situation I think of my experience as a rider on my horse coming to a scary obstacle or dealing with a particular problem.
Often there are three common responses:
1. As soon as the object becomes visible, flight mode kicks in and he turns tail and decides he is going to put plenty of distance between him and whatever the obstacle is.
2. He stands about frozen in fear and either refuses to move or does this dance back and forth without actually making in progress towards said "scary" thing.
3. He slowly but surely chalks up the courage to either rush through the obstacle as quickly as possible or simply buckles down and gets it done.
We have the sames choices when we face something that we are intimidated by. Which one do we often choose? When my horse Sam is afraid of something, he likes to turn away if he can and it turns into this elaborate dance of back and forth, a step here and there but I always have to keep asking, keep prodding. Sometimes letting him check the obstacle out for himself works and he musters up the courage to advance. But sometimes it takes me pushing him through it the whole way assuring him that he won't die, until he realizes it isn't near as bad as it seems.
How often to we dance around something we are afraid of? We avoid it as much as possible, we figure that God will just eventually give up and not push us any more. He will just let us walk away. Sometimes we let the horse walk away. We say it's just not worth the fight or maybe we are even afraid and insecure about our ability to get our horse through it. But what happens? The horse stops learning, he stops growing. He can't face his fears so he can't advance to the next stage. You can 't travel up the mountain trail if you can't cross the creek. And whatever adventures that lie ahead will never be seen or experienced.
It's the same for us. If we never face our fears head on and work through them we will never advance in that area of our life. We will never taste the sweet victory or experience what awesome things may lie ahead if refuse to do so. I think God lets have the option to walk away but he uses it to prove a point and how many times do people do it and miss out on so much? They may have been hurt before in a situation, don't think they're good enough, worried of what other people think, or that they will fail. I have learned though that failure is not when you fall down...true failure is when you stay down and refuse to get back up. God uses our fears for His glory because ultimately it takes His strength to get us through it. He is there alongside us, telling us we are worth the effort, we can do it, and we can be victorious. His opinion is the only one that should matter. He has so much in store for us if we would just let go of the things that hold us back.
We have to turn to Him and ask for His help in overcoming our fear or maybe even our pride because we want to be perfect. (Because you know as mortal humans we are so capable of being absolutely perfect ;D) We have to be open and honest with ourselves of this fear or pride and be honest with God and admit it. We need to realize as children of God we can be stronger than our fears. We can with His power overcome. A favorite verse of mine that especially helped when I was dealing with anxiety attacks was 2 Timothy 1:7
"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." (ESV) Sometimes I just had to repeat that verse over and over until it permeated my soul and I truly started believing it and acting upon it.
We need to get others involved and help fight our fears with us. You may be surprised how many people have faced or may be currently facing the same things or can at least relate in their own fears and insecurities. They can offer advice and be there as support. It's just like getting some insight from a horsey friend or a trainer for your horse's challenges. Sometimes you need that added encouragement and perspective.
And then work towards overcoming your fear. For some of this that may mean just biting the bullet, doing it and coming out alright on the other side. Or it may mean simply taking one step at a time until you are certain you won't die and wonder why you ever were worried in the first place. Or it may even take a few or many tries until you come out triumphant on the other side. We don't have to be perfect, we need to be real. And the only way we can get better at something is to learn from our mistakes. Remember failure is letting the fear win. So whether it's summing up the courage to speak in front of a group of people, join a ministry group in your church, meet new people who don't exactly fit your peer group, learning some new skill, start your own business (hmm that sounds familiar) or simply standing up for what you believe even if you might be persecuted for it. Don't give in, don't turn tail and run, don't make excuses. We have only got this one life here on earth. We can't go back and redo a single day. Yesterday is gone forever and today is all we truly have. What amazing things could be lying just beyond the shadows of your fear? What beautiful trail lies beyond the scary rocks? What doors could open up? What stories could you tell? God will be there every step of the way, helping you push through. Or sometimes giving you the little love tap (or shove :) that shows you that you will survive. With Him there is not room for fear because He is fearless and we are HIS.
( Isaiah 41:10, Joshua 1:9, Romans 8:15) And what I have also found is once I face and conquer a fear I am more likely to face another and another. My confidence in Christ builds and I am much more at peace with who God created me to be and where my life is headed. And trust me my friends we are going places!
So let's take a deep breath, look it in the eye, and take the first step.