Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Stand Out

Hi everyone!
So do you ever feel like you stick out like a sore thumb? No matter what you say you feel like the odd one out in social situations with your peers. You feel like you just don't think and see things the way they do? You feel left behind in the normal "expected" milestones of  your life as others seem to chug along in success?
Maybe you haven't but true confessions from me: I certainly have. In this day and age especially. It has become increasingly difficult to relate to my peers. In a day and age where everyone is glued to their electronics I tend to daydream about the days of Little House on the Prairie and how hard yet simple and satisfying it would be to be completely self-sufficient. When they are talking about celebrities, I'd rather talk about philosophies and the real issues with politics. Instead of going to parties I'd much rather be in the woods and in nature. Often instead of talking, I like sitting, watching and observing people and getting to know them through their body language, expressions and actions. I'd rather be out stacking hay and hauling wood than having a inside, air conditioned job. I love the 80s and am almost a quarter of a century old without having any romantic prospects. (Maybe the 80s music is the problem :D) From the modern day person's perspective I can seem quite strange and it can be easy to feel left out sometimes. It can be hard to relate to others and can feel down right lonely at times.
I wonder if this was how many of the men and woman felt like in the Bible. They had different views and different outlooks on life that in some ways alienated them from others. How hard it must have been sometimes to have to walk alone and be the one to stick out like a sore thumb. But yet what would they have missed out on? Ruth would have never met Boaz if she had chosen to follow her sister back to "find" a new husband. Esther would have never become queen or saved her people if she had not been different than the other girls and stood for what she believed in. Daniel would have never have found favor with the king if he had not decided to be different and not eat the king's food.
Sometimes standing out from the crowd is hard and uncomfortable because believe me, you will have eyes on you and people will notice it. Sometimes that will be greeted with astonishment and pleasantness and other times it will be with contempt and alienation. I have had people surprised and have gotten appreciation from the fact that I make a choice not to bury my face in my phone in waiting rooms and public places so that I can perhaps strike up a conversation with someone who needs it. Other times when I spill information about my beliefs or my stance on politics I get looks of disdain. But in the end it isn't about how we fitted in with this world. It is about how we stood out for Christ. That may make us weird, old fashioned, and crazy by many people's standards but who's is it that we are really trying to meet? The world can't save our souls. The world cannot give us what we truly desire and need. Only God can and He should be the one we are following and He has called us to be different. He has made me with all my little quirks so that I can use those to be a testament to others. I have four young girls at work that help me and it is my hope that I can be a positive example to them and show them the values that truly matter. And I can't do that by blending in with everyone else my age or even older than me. I have to be who God intended me to be and stand by it.
Yes it may be hard sometimes and lonely and I may feel like I am getting left behind. But in all actuality maybe in a fast paced world  what we need to learn again is to hold onto to what has carried people through the generations before. People who held to what they believed even if it wasn't popular and they made their lives with their own two hands and with their faith. They didn't care about fitting in or following the trend.
So be weird, be different, be counter cultural, and stand out. I used to want to blend in because it was safer, no rejection or eyes staring at you. But I have realized...I'd rather die having loved fiercely, worked relentlessly, and stood strongly than having lived a "safe" empty life without God's fire in my heart. So will you join? Because we really aren't alone...we "sore thumbs" have each other and we have God. And we aren't really sore thumbs at all...we are Jesus's hands and feet made to do amazing things. But we can't do that if we are trying to be like everyone else.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."                    Romans 12:2 (ESV)

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