Sunday, December 10, 2017

What is Christmas Truly About?

Hi everyone,
So I am figuring based off of the title everybody is guessing a pretty cliché post about the true meaning of Christmas and how we should celebrate. Well yes and no. I want to offer my perspective of this year's Christmas. I have always enjoyed Christmas time with all the music, good food, time with family, and traditions. There does seem to be a magic in the air around this time of the year that can be infectious. But I have been reminded this time around that their is also a darker side to the holidays. The stress of running to countless family gatherings, being with people you may not always see eye to eye with, having the pressure of cooking Christmas dinner for everyone, shopping for the perfect gift for everyone, and feeling like you have to complete this unspoken checklist of mandatory Christmas festivities. I have spoken to several people this year who can't seem to wait until the holidays are over. They just want all the stress to be over with and done until another year. Now in many ways I get that...speaking as a true procrastinator when it comes to gift planning, but this year I have been much more at ease and I want to tell you why and see if maybe this can encourage anyone out there today who is simply just worn out about the whole Christmas thing. I have been asking myself this year the age old question of what does Christmas truly mean to me? It is like Charlie Brown when he has reached the end of his rope and feels as if he can't do anything right for the holiday season and cries out for someone to tell him the true meaning of Christmas. And sweet little Linus takes center stage to proclaim the story of Christ's birth. It may be just a "kids" show but I tell you I tear up every time I watch that precious scene. Why? Because that means something to me. The day Christ was born was the day I received the best gift I could ever imagine. The hope and the way to my salvation. No material gift I could receive here on earth could ever compare to that. There is a reason why it is called CHRISTmas and why some people refuse to acknowledge it. We have tried to replace it with cheap imitations of things that may make us happy for a season but have no affect whatsoever on our souls or eternal happiness. Now I am not saying it is wrong to give and receive gifts but we need to think of the heart of the matter. Are we giving because it is an obligation or because we truly want to? It is just something we do or do we truly wish to bring a smile to someone's face or make their holiday a little brighter this year? And let me tell you not all gifts are material things. I believe some of the best gifts are the ones not in a touchable tangible form. To me Christmas is first and foremost about Jesus's birth but it is also the celebration of this with others. It is the time spent with family, the smiles, the laughter, the memories, and the stories. It is the joy of giving of our time and our hearts to those around us and to helping those less fortunate. Now this recognition brings me to another revelation I have received.
So many people don't appreciate the holidays because of the stress and pursuit of materialistic things but for many others the holidays reminds them of painful things. Past childhood memories that weren't so joyful, broken families, and loss of people dear to them. Everyone of us knows someone who has lost a loved one who they will not longer get to spend Christmas with or we ourselves have experienced this sorrow. And I have to say that the thought has humbled me especially this year and has made me think not just about Christmas but about the whole year entirely. I feel like most our days in this fast paced world, especially the holidays, are filled with the "let's get this over with mentality". I want to change that to a "let's cherish this" mentality. Now not everything will be perfect and rosy all the time but not to sound like a narcissist and simply be real, we aren't promised another holiday season. We aren't even promised tomorrow. And I for one don't want to spend my days stressing over the things that don't really matter. The things that cloud the chance to have a  precious conversation with a family member, laughter from the kitchen mishap, off key but heartfelt singing of Christmas carols, smiles and love of those around you. I want the magic of the Christmas season to last beyond December 25th. I want it to last all year. I want to cherish everyone and every moment I have been given on this earth and to celebrate the life I have received. The future I have been given by God on a glorious night in a stable. I want to give hope to those who have lost their joy for this season. I don't want my goodwill toward men to happen only around this time of the year. So many people out there are chasing all the wrong reasons for Christmas. They are trying to do Christmas instead of receiving Christmas for what it truly is: a time to celebrate the greatest moment in history. When real, lasting hope was born. Every day that hope needs to be reborn inside of us, 365 days of the year. It doesn't need to be about how well we did by the world's standards, but how we did with what God gave us. We all need to be a little Linus and proclaim without fear when all those around us are in desperate need of the real truth because you never know who is really hurting, especially this time of year. Enjoy your gifts, hot chocolate, decorating, and music but remember, what you can't replace is the time God has given you here on earth to share the good news, spend with family, friends and the impact you can leave on someone's life this holiday season. And that is what Christmas is about: the act of giving the gift of all the hope inside your soul, just as the precious Savior gave His all so that we may have life beyond this world. So let's spread the Christmas cheer not just in this month of December but all year around.

1 comment:

  1. You are so right my dear niece you are wise beyond your years! You have put this so eloquently in a way that I like to say is the best way possible but I probably could never come up with the words as easily and beautifully as you have here. Thank you for taking your time to share this and pass your gift on to others. Looking forward to seeing all the family this year and having lots of fun and laughter. And especially never forgetting the true meaning of CHRISTmas! ❇
