Thursday, October 13, 2016

Teaching How to Pick Up Objects

Does your horse like to play with things with his lips? Does he like to investigate new and interesting objects? Then teaching him/her to pick up objects is a trick that they might enjoy and put those lips to a good use! :) You can teach your horse to pick up objects such as your hat if it falls off while riding or a small item that you drop or learn how to hold a flag or other object. A horse that can pick up objects (or in the case of the picture for this post...a donkey) can be a great thing to share the next time your showing off your four-legged companion and/or prove to be very helpful out on the trail.

Things you will need:
  • An old towel or sock or a small item you wish to use (ex. ball cap, flag, etc.) 
  • Treats or peanut butter sometimes is helpful.
  • Your patience and your perfect timing. :)
Make sure your horse is fitted with a halter and lead rope. Your really want your horse to respect your cues and space with this trick as is the same with any trick. Hold the item which you want horse to learn to pick up. Let them sniff it and check it out. What I will do with an old towel or sock is place treats inside it and tie it off. You can rub peanut butter on other objects such as a hat to encourage them. Whenever they start to act like they're are going to nibble or grab at the object, give them the verbal cue of "Pick Up" or whatever word you choose. Then reward them immediately with a treat. They must first learn to associate the reward when they attempt to mouth the object then you gradually ask more of them. Once they show interest in the object, I will usually put it on the ground or on top of something if they are not quite stimulated to bend all the way down to the ground yet. Then I have both hands free to make sure they respect your space and then point or move the object while asking the verbal cue.  Then practice walking them up to the object and asking verbally. Once they put forth a good attempt, reward them. Gradually you ask more and more from them before you give the treat until they pick it up completely. I  always like to teach them to hand the item to me and I try not to let them drop it before I grab it. I do this so that they do not learn that they can just drop it whenever they want to, but must hand it to me and give it back. You can teach them a release cue as well such as "Give me" or "Thank you".

Things to remember:
  • Never let your horse crowd your space or go after the object before you ask. Some horses will pick up quickly that the object means treats and may become too eager. Be very careful and responsible with treats on this one.
  • Walk away from the object and come back to it after doing somethings else. Don't let your horse become glued to that object.
  • Once your horse really starts to understand the concept and the verbal cues, try with other objects.
  • Do not train with any objects that are very similar to something that you do not wanted picked up that comes in contact with the horses! Don't train with a straw hat if your mother happens to like to wear one to the barn. ;)
  • Make sure objects being used are fairly easy for the horse to pick. They need to have a good grip point, otherwise the horse with just get frustrated and give up.
  • Celebrate the little accomplishments and remember timing is with cues and reward is crucial.
Soon you will be able to get your horse to pick up items you dropped without having to leave the saddle and holding your tools for you....well maybe not quite, but you never know! ;)
Have fun!

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