Sunday, October 2, 2016

A Word About Feminism

So every once and while I get the urge to write about a particular topic that usual is triggered by something I have seen, heard, or talked about with someone. This week subject's is feminism. It is epidemic that has been spreading throughout our society for many years now. Women standing up and demanding they be treated exactly the same as men and that they can do whatever a man can do just as well if not better. Sometimes these woman even go as far as to complain that men should not even open the door for them, pull a chair up for them, or wait to sit down until they are seated  because they can handle it themselves. They take such a offense to a man just being polite. Instead they take it as the man basically saying that woman are weak and inferior. I do not believe this. What do I say to woman like this? Please stop and consider your way of thinking. Would you rather prefer the man to slam the door in your face or act like you don't even exist? Do you not realize that you are teaching today's men that they don't need to be polite to us and can basically be rude? Yes, there may be some men out there who are a sexist but most men I'm sure don't think you are incapable of opening a door for yourself. They just are being respectful, so are we as woman going to teach them not to be just because we have to prove we are just as capable? And some men are just trying to be protective and keep us save; not trying to repress our capabilities.
Also, if you are such a feminist and claim that you can do whatever a man can do and want to be treated as such then expect them to treat you just as they treat each other sometimes. Really think about it and are you really sure you'd appreciate that?
As a feminist, many woman will come across as having the air that they don't need a man ever to do anything for them or flat out tell you they don't. Therefore you don't ever need to have a boyfriend or ever get married. Simple as that. Don't be a hypocrite right?
Do you want to hear the truth women? The truth is we are all equal as human beings. Whatever sex we are, whatever race we are, and whatever we get paid at the end of the day. However, our roles are different. Yes, woman can have a career(as long as that doesn't affect her priority as a mother to her children), they can get paid as much as men, and they can survive in life without men. I am single, living on my own and supporting myself and I am doing just fine. But do I still wish to be married someday? Yes! Do I appreciate the men in my life who have fought for me, protected me, and honored me. Absolutely! Do I appreciate the men at my work who help me out at the barn and my rental house when I need it? Totally! Do they treat me like I am weak and can't handle things? Absolutely not! I can still handle projects and take care of some things myself; but I for one think it's nice when I know I don't always have to do it all and can focus on the things I am better at while they tackle the things I'm not so good at. And you know what, I think sometimes they actually appreciate it because they feel needed. Men are just better at some things because they are men and the same goes for women.
Ladies, we are not inferior to men...we just have different roles. God created men and women different in the beginning. We were created to be a help to the men in our lives and men were created to lead and protect us. After the Fall, both sexes had burdens brought into their life due to disobedience. Now with us as the helper and men as the leader/protector does this mean we are weaklings who can't do things on our own? Of course not! We were just created to provide the softer side for men's rougher side and men to strengthen and cherish our softer side. Both roles are equally important and require just as much strength. And I don't know about you but sometimes I appreciate not having to load and unload over 200 bales of hay or getting on some of the really crazy bucking colts. Can I do it, yes; but if a man wants to step up and take care of it I will gladly step aside and feel no less for it. It will actually probably save me a lot of pain!
Also part of our role as women is to be mothers and for men to be leaders of the home. Some how this makes some woman feel inferior. However, do we realize that our job is just as crucially important? Men don't tend to be as tender and nurturing as many women are and would we as women prefer to have the burden of being the main provider for our family plus being the most responsible in setting the prime example of the spiritual leader of the home? We as women are the caregivers of our children and while the man is out providing and protecting our family we tend to our little one's daily needs and help raise them in godly character. Both roles are equally hard in their own right and important. 
 So please let men be men. We are in a world where real men are getting harder and harder to find and I am afraid we as woman might be part of the problem. We won't let them be men anymore. This doesn't mean we need to be damsels in distress all the time, but realize we don't always have to fight our battles alone. Don't put men down for being polite, but them expect him to be respectful to you and not treat you like just "one of the guys".  Don't strip him of his title and therefore dishonor yours.
I understand not all men are perfect but are we as women? So let's lay this feminist stuff to rest and be the feminine yet strong warriors God has called us to be alongside the men He puts in our lives.
Or if you still choose to be feminist then please leave our men alone. There are many of us who still want them!

Genesis 5:2 (NASB)

He created them male and female, and He blessed them and named them Man in the day when they were created.

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