Sunday, April 15, 2018

God's Workers

Hi everyone,
So I am back from a wonderful week of vacation in Oregon and California! God in many ways has refreshed me and caused me to think extra hard about different parts of my life like what are my goals and aspirations exactly? As those of you who follow my blog regularly know, I have made a couple known recently, but as I continue to ponder on these things He has revealed more things to me. And one of those things is the heart behind what we choose to do with our lives. Last night I watched for the second time the movie, The Same Kind of Different as Me. This movie has become one of my favorites and an encouragement in my life. It has caused me to really think in terms of how we show Christ in our lives and choose to live in service for Him. One of the main characters of movie is a woman named Debbie who has a special heart for those God's places in her life. She reaches out to the homeless in her community and through this touches many lives including that of her own husband. However, she faces hardships and battles along the way. I do not wish to give too much of the movie way as I greatly encourage everyone to watch it for themselves, but what amazes me is the unflappable strength, forgiveness, and patience this woman displays. The genuine compassion for others in her heart and the eyes to see past all the bad and love others despite who they may be. When met with rejection and angry she responds with grace and determination. She continually chooses to see the good in people instead of the less than desirable traits while encouraging them to make better choices. She doesn't treat others as if they are somehow lesser than her because of the hand they have been dealt in life or the wrong choices they have made. This is reminder of how I want to be in my own life in whatever God asks me to do. One of my favorite parts in the movie is when Debbie and her husband are having a discussion after she shows hospitality to a homeless man they have gotten to know through the shelter they volunteer at. Her husband says he doesn't know what the plan is and asks if she is going to try to "save them all". And her simple yet heartfelt response is: "I'll try". Those two words resonate with me. What if we as Christians walked through our lives with mindset of we are going to try to save everyone? We are going to try and show compassion to everyone? Instead of looking around at those who are different than us as "lepers" to avoid, what if we extended a hand instead? Obviously we have to be wise and we need to make sure our motives are rooted in Christ's love and not our own morality boost, but we as Christians need to take of the blinders and see people for who they are. Precious to God and desired by Him. We all need to be saved and once we personally have the truth, we need to do our very best to share that with everyone we come in contact with. Never underestimate the ability God has to use you for His work if you are willing to see souls, not just imperfect, messed-up people. Because let's face it, we all are a little messed-up and certainly not perfect!

Now just as our work for the Lord increases, so can we expect our struggles to increase. One of the other lines in the movie that really struck a cord with me is:"When you are as precious to God, you are as important to Satan." Debbie ends up facing some pretty hard things in her life and instead of choosing to be bitter and curse God, she chooses to keep fighting and doing His work to the best of her ability. When we are following God's plan for our lives and when we grow in our service for Him the devil views us as more and more of a threat. A threat that he wants to destroy. We must realize that things are not always going to be easy and that battles will come. But we need to take those battles and view them in the light of the fact that the devil is afraid of what we can accomplish with God and he wants to put us out of the fight. And we can't let him win. Expect storms but allow God to plant your roots deep so that you may withstand and continue to fight and continue to reach those around you.

I have felt many times things have gotten in the way of or hindered my plans. They have tried to prevent or discourage my plans to do God's will. My goals and aspirations have been put on hold. Now some of those instances have been God saying it isn't the right time yet or I have something better for you. But there are times when I believe it has been Satan taking advantage of my fearful or selfish human nature and making me doubt God. Satan doesn't want me to succeed. But when I choose to hear God's voice and choose His truth over the devil's lies I come out stronger on the other side. When I ask God to give me compassion for those that I don't know and even those who I may not exactly gravitate to, He never ceases to give me what I need to see people in a new light. When we surrender ourselves to Him, He never ceases to show up and He will never leave us. We can be as Debbie and choose to "try" and save them all. And not out of a self entitled pity for others, but our genuine love for our fellow human being created by God. You may ask how it is possible and I tell you read Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." (ESV) And always remember "But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matt. 19:26 
He gives us the strength to do whatever He is calling us to do, all we have to do is ask, be willing to put aside our sinful nature and let Him work and never give up. Remember He will never give up on us, so it is the least we can do for others. I encourage you to watch the movie and really ponder on it. May we all strive to be the best workers for God that we can be with the gifts, dreams, and aspirations He has given us. May we pray continually for His wisdom and for the salvation of those around us. May we be a warm, comforting light to even the coldest souls around us. May He shine in our lives for everyone to see.  

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20 (ESV)

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