So I am going to say something you may not like but please stick with me and hear me out because this is something that slowly has been changing my life, so here it goes
You are a mess. You are imperfect. You are flawed. You are out of place. How many times have I thought theses things about myself but I would have never have thought to say them to anyone else. It sounds so cruel right?
I have always been one to tear myself down, more often than anyone else would. I always been quick to agonize over my imperfections and flaws. And as a woman going through her early twenties and now reaching her mid twenties it became all to easy to pick at these "flaws". Not blessed with what I would call beauty queen looks, plain blemished complexion, looks much younger than I am, more quiet reserved nature, too emotional, not an eloquent speaker, converses much more easily with those older than me than my own peers, not graceful, not the kind of girl who attracts many men, and not funny, charming enough. And the list could continue. I began to use these things as a list of what was wrong with me. They were why I wasn't the life of the party, why I wasn't extremely popular, why nobody wanted to date me, and why I felt so out of place. I was a mess! And who wants to be around a mess right?
How many times have I been at work and been standing literally close to my knees in horse manure, became a living scarecrow from stacking hay in 90 degree weather, had horse snot on my clothes, dirt under my nails, hair looking like it went through a tornado, five different tan lines and lets not even talk about the albino things you call legs (horse girls with understand this:), the smelly clothes, and the dust tanned skin. How many times have I been a hot mess only it literally just meant being extremely warm and looking like a disaster?
And what about when I am running around grocery shopping and running errands in barn clothes and I'm sure smelling like it too. I mean I'm pretty sure one day the ladies at Sally's Beauty thought I needed a little more help than hair coloring! :D All the while getting to go home so I can clean a house, cook dinner and probably wear some of it too, pick up spilled dog food, tend to 3 needy fur "children" and get into the ten different projects my overly ambitious self starts all at once.
Do you ever just step back and think wow what a mess I am? I mean if I was perfect then I could juggle everything just so and still look great while I am at. I could be one of those amazing woman bloggers who have oodles of stunning projects to show all why looking fabulous and having it all together.
Well you are right about one thing. Yes, you are a mess. But you are a beautiful mess. You see God knows we are not perfect. Only He is perfect. He knows you are flawed. He created you but those "flaws" He calls beautiful. He knows knows you are out of place. He didn't make this earth your real home. When God created you he knew that you were going to be imperfect. He knew that you weren't going to measure up to this world's standards, that you weren't going to be "super" human, girlfriend, wife, mother, that you weren't going to have it all together. He knew that there would be days when you would be an absolute mess of emotions and presentation. But nevertheless when He created you, He smiled and couldn't wait to show you off to the world. What we see as imperfection He sees as beautiful. He created us individually with our exact shape, physical make-up and our own unique personalities for a reason. He gave us our "flaws" and weaknesses because He wants us all to compliment one another and build each other up. He wants us to use our weaknesses to show His saving grace in a dying world. He lets us be a mess so that we can take that mess, lift it up to Him and place it into His outstretched hands. If we were perfect, had it all together and were just these amazing people that everyone awed over and understood then there would no need for Him. It is only until we embrace the fact that yes we may be a mess sometimes but when we give our all for Him, He uses that to mold us into the most beautiful creation ever. A glorious whirlwind of a mess that has the potential to be extraordinary.
But first we have to:
- Acknowledge that we will never be perfect. We are human and we are never going to have it all together. We may never be flawless according to the world's standards. And we live in an imperfect world. Not one is perfect. (Eccl. 7:20)
- This world is not our home. We are not called to fit in. We are to be different even if that means being deemed awkward, non-popular, and strange. (John 15:9, Phil. 3:20-21)
- That we are loved no matter what by an amazing God who will never see us as not worth His love or time. (Romans 5:8, Romans 8:35-39)
- We have to immerse ourselves in His truth. If we don't spend time with Him then we are never going to find harmony to all that we are doing in our lives. We will never learn how to make priorities out of the chaos and spend the time on what truly matters and what furthers His Kingdom. And we will never learn about who we really are. Because if we'd only read about what we are as individuals to God in His Word and truly believe it then our lives would be so radically different and we would never worry our heads again over our imperfections. (1 John 3:1)
- And with this realization we need to act upon it. (Phil. 3:12-14) Now I am not saying you go around acting like you are all that just because God loves you. I mean you are still a sinner saved by His grace alone so being humble is key. Also that doesn't mean that you don't ever strive to take better care of yourself, dress up a little when you can, and try to improve areas in your personality that you struggle with. It just mean that you live your life like the precious child of God that you are giving your very best irregardless if you have a million things to get done that day, the food gets a little burnt, the laundry doesn't get done again, you didn't say the perfect words at the exact right moment, the cashier at the store gives you an odd look or if you find yourself standing in _________ (insert word that best describes your messy situation) while the object of your affections walks up.
God has been showing me how to have joy even when I am struggling and am not particularly feeling happy about my status in life and on those days when I feel like a walking disaster. It is still a battle and ultimately it is a choice of what thinking I choose to have. But what I have learned He does not make ugly things and He doesn't make mistakes . We may be imperfect, flawed, damaged, broken, out of place, and messy. But when He sees us at our very best and our very worst, He always sees for what we are. A perfectly imperfect, glorious, beautiful mess that is to die for. :)