Hi everyone!
Sooo, I kinda have to make this post about priorities because mine have been a little askew lately. Do you know those times when it seems like everything in your life is trying to get your attention? Work, family, pets, friends, goals, God... those dishes lying on the counter for the past two days.....
It can get to the point where you feel like you are getting absolutely nowhere and you feel like you are getting little accomplished but are constantly on the run.
These past two weeks have been a blur for me to be honest but I have learned a couple of things: I need to be busy, but I need to prioritize my busyness. When I am busy I tend to me more alert and actually seem to get more accomplished if I have a plan. When I am not busy, I tend to fudge here and there until it seems like I get nothing accomplished whatsoever.
However my busyness can become quite useless without that plan and with everything in order. So how do I order it all? What is most important?
Well, obviously God should be top priority in my life and I feel that He has been give me some taps on the shoulder lately reminding me that we should be spending more time together and He should not just be getting the leftovers of my day. He should be first and foremost because He will help me set the precedent for my whole day. Also these past couple of weeks, I have been reminded of how crucial it is to spend time with family and friends. God gave you these people for a reason and they are pretty cool! :) They deserve your time and effort and it will often give you much needed encouragement. Go out and do something with them even if it's just simply having a nice long chat together. It will make you feel energized and relieved to know that your not the only one who has lots going on! ;)
Also I think it is important to take care of what God has entrusted us with. The job, coworkers, the house, the pets...it all has it's place. Obviously there are more pressing needs at different times but I think the main question we have to ask ourselves is: what or who is what I am doing right now benefiting? What am I accomplishing really? Am I just getting through another day or am I truly living and learning from it?
I have spent many days where I could have been doing something productive but I chose to do something that was more or less letting me be entertained. Oh I was busy, just not in a way that was truly beneficial. Now I am not saying by any means, that we can never take time to relax or watch a movie or surf the internet. We do need down-time here and there as so not fry our minds; however we cannot let it take precedent over God, and the things He has given us to take care of. It can be easy to sit down from a busy week and decide that we will let things slide for just one day, but then (at least for me) that one day turns into another, and another, until tasks are all piled up and you are feeling completely overwhelmed and feel like you have to put a halt to everything because you not longer know what to do anymore.
So, I am taking some time to restore my priorities. God needs to be the driver, not the backseat passenger along for the ride. How am I going to do that exactly? Well, I am going to start by making a list of all the things in my life and that need my attention and care. Then, I am going to pray and ask God to show me what needs to be most important and maybe what needs to be knocked down a few notches. Then I am going to make my new list and map out a schedule for my week. If it's one thing I like it's structure. It makes me feel like I have something to follow on those days when I just need a little bit of stability in a chaotic world. Of course it's going to change and not be followed perfectly all the time, but at least it is a guide. And the biggest step I am going to take is I am going to DO IT!
It is so easy to get caught up in making lists and then never actually accomplishing anything on them. No matter if I come home in the less than ideal mood or if my horse isn't behaving like I think he should, or dinner turned out a little less than desirable; I have to stay the course if I want to truly accomplish anything significant in life. I have to keep on and when all else fails I need to turn to the One who should get the very beginning and end of my day and all the moments in between. He is my Professional Organizer. Will you let Him be yours?
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