These past two days have been colder and rainy. Not the cheery spring days you would hope for this time of the year and ones that make you want to go out and get stuff done. It can be depressing and frustrating. But looking out today at all this dreariness and the mood it seems to put people in, saw it from a different perspective in light of this Easter weekend and its meaning. When Christ died on Good Friday is was a dark, dreary time. The Son of God was crucified and buried in the tomb. Things were bleak looking and depressing. But on the third day it all changed. Christ arose from that grave and walked out into the glorious day. And I think it is ironic how tomorrow, Resurrection Sunday we return yet again to sunny skies and warm temps. So when I look outside today, I don't feel the need to complain about the fact that it doesn't feel like spring. The sun is coming. Without the rain and the dark times there would be no appreciation of the good times. We need the rains and wind to come to make things grow and to encourage new life, we needs those hard things in life to drive us to be better servants for Christ. Because let's face it there will be times this summer with scorching heat and drought, we are going to long for colder temps and rain. No matter what the circumstances we will also want something else. It is just human nature. But don't fret the rain and the dreary sky. We need this. We needed Christ to die. Without there would be hope, now new life. So I wish everyone a wonderful Easter tomorrow, celebrating the One who brings the joy in the dreariest of times. Celebrate in the rain, He is there.
"And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay." Matt.v28:5-6 (KJV)
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