Hi everyone,
So I am going to share with you a little adventure I had the other day that proved to me that God has a sense of humor....
I had came home from work and decided I would continue my productivity at home and retrieve some wood out of the back of my pasture(the approaching of fall means campfire time ;). Now my pasture is pretty decent size so I hop in my truck all empowered and emboldened to get my task done. I get to my spot, park at the top of the hill(as my trucks brakes were being special and I decided not risk going down the big hill haha!) and proceed to haul out my wood. Let's say it maybe wasn't the best idea to do it on a 90 degree day, hauling up a big hill by the wheelbarrow load, but I was on a role and couldn't be deterred. But with this being said I needed to stop and take a break here and there to which I decided at one point I needed to sit down in the grass to do so. Remember that because it will be an important fact of information later in the story.... ;)
Anyway as I am sitting there, feeling ever pulse in my body throbbing and trying to catch my breath, I contemplate this life that I choose. The life of hard work and labor and the satisfaction that comes from physical work, pushing yourself, and using the strength God gave you. Many people have been raised in towns and cities and may have not experienced the joys of working and playing in the great outdoors on a regular basis. And even the heat, I was so happy and grateful for the ability to live in the country and have such tasks to do. I thanked God and was fully satisfied that I wouldn't change it for the world.
Empowered even more, I continue to finish my job thinking of all the nice campfires I could have under the stars. Several minutes later I am putting the last pieces of wood into the bed of my truck... when I feel this interesting sensation.....a crawling one to be exact.
I look down at my arms and upon first glance, nothing, so I continue, but the feeling never really leaves. Then upon further inspection I notice what seems to be countless microscopic brown dots crawling up my arms like there is no tomorrow....two words: SEED TICKS. Remember that sitting down in the grass tibit I mentioned earlier? Yeah...
The whole phrase of making "your skin crawl" took on a whole new meaning in about 2 seconds and I head for my truck to make a swift return to the house.
However, as I proceed to get into my truck I happen to look up towards my house and find another scene unfolding. I had put one of my miniature horses in the barn to keep her away from my sometimes "overbearing" horse, only to discover that somehow(I am blaming the donkey :D) she had been released and in disbelief I watch as she proceeds to take off into the pasture with my horse hot on her heels and another miniature horse and donkey in tow. Now she was having a good old time evading her pursuers however I was about ready to have a heart attack! I drive my truck back to the barn as fast as I dare try, bale out, and proceed to herd my herd back in their proper places. Must I say that is easier said then done? They were not to be so easy! They suddenly turned there game of tag into let's play keep away from the silly, sweaty and dirty human being. What seemed like an eternity which only happened to be 30mins., I had everyone back where they should be no worse for wear and I swear proud of the romp they had taken me on. I can only imagine what the neighbors thought seeing this crazy blond girl chasing her animals down every which way and itching like a dog that has fleas. Yes, in my quest to get everyone back where they needed to be I had forgotten of the urgency of my previous pickle so my success afterwards was short lived. At that point I knew I needed to just count my losses, accomplish all I needed to at that point and call it a day. I unloaded my wood(finally) and then went inside for some much needed hydration. ;)
So one heck of a scrubbing later to which I lost count at 120 tick bites(and no I am seriously not joking)….I plop down on the couch and as I begin process the events of the last 2 hours of my day, I can't help but burst out laughing. No sooner than I had expressed my love of this life and that I wouldn't trade it for the world, it was almost like God said "let's test that theory" and unleashed creation, literally! ;D He wanted to see just how serious I was about those words and if I was going to stick with them even in less than ideal events to follow. It makes me think about how sometimes we are tested. Do we truly stand for what we say or only in ideal circumstances? Do we believe in what say only if it goes well for us? Do we still love and keep on even when we face challenges and bumps along the road? These may seem like big questions for a small incident, but the little events in life, I find can often be the most revealing of bigger concepts and the bigger picture. And I believe it goes the same when we ask God for things as well. Trust me if we ask God for patience or wisdom, He will find ways to help us grow in it, even if it isn't exactly what we expected. I believe He wanted me to see the joy and beauty in this life even when things got a little hairy, or in this case itchy! And I am pretty sure He got some amusement out of it even if I wasn't exactly feeling it in the heat of the moment! :) And even now as I am writing this I am pausing every 30 seconds, itching like crazy, haha, but I am happy to say I still love the life God has given me in this beautiful countryside filled with insects and the always entertaining clan of animals He has blessed me with. I wouldn't trade this life working in the elements of nature for anything. It has taught me so much already and I know will only continue to do so. And I hope to continue to share those insights along the way. But maybe perhaps without the ticks! :D
Oh and by the way, my little practical tibit of the week: aloe is very helpful for tick bites. I highly suggest investing in an aloe plant, or at least a tube of aloe gel! ;)
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